Dimtoffset command
Function Description:
The DIMTOFFSET system variable is used to control the gap between the dimension line and the dimension text, if the space above the arrows is not enough for the dimension text when you place the dimension below or right the objects, the text is placed downward.
Type : Integer
Saved in : Drawing
Initial value : 1
Range : 0,1
System Variable Value:
0 : the gap between dimension text and dimension line keeps same
1 : the same as AutoCAD
Related tutorial video:
- Dimstyle command 00:27
- Dimlinear command 02:29
- Menus and Shortcut Menus 02:41
- Dimaligned command 02:51
- Dimangular command 03:11
- Dimarc command 03:19
- Dimradius command 03:31
- Dimdiameter 03:41
- Dimcontinue command 04:08
- Dimbaseline command 04:46
- Dimcenter 05:07
- QDIM command 05:30
- Menus and Shortcut Menus 07:05
- Properties command 07:08
- Propertiesclose command 07:08
- Dimbreak command 07:43
- Menus and Shortcut Menus 08:34
- Dimreassociate command 08:52
- Dimtoffset command 09:19
- Dimregen command 09:29
Above video sources from TUTORIAL - GETTING STARTED WITH GSTARCAD, enrol now for free.