XLINE command
The XLINE command is used to create infinitely long straight lines.
Command Access:
Ribbon : Home > Draw > XLINE
Menu : Draw > Construction Line
Command : XLINE
Command Prompts:
Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset]:
Function Description:
Users could create the structure and reference lines by infinitely long straight lines, and this kind of lines could trim.
Relative Glossary:
Create an xline by two specified points. Those two points determine the position of xline.
Hor : Create a horizontal xline through specified point. This xline is parallel to X axis.
Ver : Create a vertical xline through specified point. This xline is parallel to Y axis.
Ang : Create an xline by specified angle.
Angle of xline :
Specify angle of xline.
Reference :
Specify angle between xline and selected reference. This angle is calculated by anticlockwise direction.
Create an xline through specified vertex and bisecting two lines' intersection angle.
This xline is determined by three points.
Offset distance : Specify offset distance from selected object.
Through : Create an xline that through specified point and offsetting selected line.