FACETERDEVNORMAL system variable

Function Description:

The FACETERDEVNORMAL system variable is set the maximum angle between surface normal and adjacent mesh faces.

Type : Real
Saved in : User-settings
Initial value : 40

It could keep visual consistency for the same shaped mesh objects with different sizes. Users could input a non-negative number from 0 to 180.Lowering the value increases the density in areas of high curvature and decreases density in flatter areas.
Lowering the value might increase the drawing file size, and should be saved for larger objects with high FACETERDEVSURFACE? settings. Avoid lowering this value for objects with small details such as holes or fillets.

Note: the value of this system variable reflects the value for objects with zero smoothness.


Article ID: 1552
Created: July 15, 2021
Last Updated: July 15, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/faceterdevnormal-system-variable-1552.html