ISAVEPERCENT system variable

Function Description:

The ISAVEPERCENT system variable is used to determine the amount of wasted space that allowed in a drawing file.

Type : Integer
Saved in : Registry
Initial value : 50
Range : 0 ~ 100

The value of ISAVEPERCENT system variable is an integer from 0 to 100. The default value 50 means the amount of wasted space taking 50 percentages of all space.
The wasted space could be removed when time expired. When the estimate exceeds 50 percent, the next save will be a full save. This resets the wasted space estimate to 0. If ISAVEPERCENT system variable is set to 0, every save is a full save

Article ID: 1648
Created: July 19, 2021
Last Updated: July 19, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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