LAYERFILTERALERT system variable

Function Description:

The LAYERFILTERALERT system variable is used to delete excess layer filters to improve performance.

Type : Integer
Saved in : Registry
Initial value : 2
Range : 0,1,2,3

Users could use this system variable to delete excess layer filters to improve performance when there is more than 100 layer filters, or the number of layer filter exceeds number of layers.

This system variable also controls whether to display new layer notify.

System Variable Value:

0 : off
1 : delete all layer filters and do not display messages when opening the layer manager
2 : when opening the layer manager, it display messages to state problems and prompts to delete all filters, and offers a choice:" Do you want to delete all layer filters now?"
3 : after opening the layer manager, it display message to state problems and display a dialog box, from which users could choose which filter to delete.

Article ID: 1656
Created: July 19, 2021
Last Updated: July 19, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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