XREFNOTIFY system variabls

Function Description:

The XREFNOTIFY system variable is used to control the notification about xref updating or missing.

Type : Integer
Saved in : Registry
Initial value : 2
Range : 0,1,2

System Variable Value:

0 : xref notification disabled
1 : enable xref notification. Notify users that xref has attached to current drawing by displaying xref icons in tray of toolbar. Warning users when missing xref by display           yellow warning symbol(!) on xref icon when opening a drawing.
2 : enable xref notification and balloon message. It display balloon message in the same area when xref changed. The XNOTIFYTIME system variable control the time             interval by seconds for checking and modifying xref.

Article ID: 1931
Created: July 28, 2021
Last Updated: July 28, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/xrefnotify-system-variabls-1931.html