ATTEXT command

The ATTEXT command is used to extract attribute data and text information which associated with block to file.

Command Access:

Command : ATTEXT

Command Prompts:

Select objects:

Function Description:

attribute Extraction

Inputting “-attext” under the command prompt, it will display options.

Relative Glossary:

Template File : Display “Template File” selection dialog box, from which users could select preset template file.
Select Object : Select objects to extract their attributes.
DXF/SDF/CDF : DXF is a kind of graphic exchange file format. When outputting DXF file, its extracted attribute is a kind of modified graphic exchange file format, including block                                reference, attribute, file name extension, and so on. This kind of file is saved with .dxx extension.
                            SDF is a kind of space separated file. When outputting SDF file, it records each block attributes in a graphic drawing. Because the field length is constant, it never                              uses field separator or character string separator. Input template file name for current attribute in “Template File…” dialog box. Input output file name in “Output                                  File…” dialog box. This kind of file is saved with .txt extension.
                            CDF is a kind of comma separated file. When outputting CDF file, it records each block attributes and separated by commas for each field record. The character                                field is kept in single quote. Input template file name for current attribute in “Template File…” dialog box. Input output file name in “Output File…” dialog box. This                                  kind of file is saved with .txt extension

Article ID: 1977
Created: August 3, 2021
Last Updated: August 3, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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