The BACTIONTOOL command is used to add actions to a dynamic block definition.

Command Access:


Command Prompts:

Enter action type [Array/Lookup/Filp/Move/Rotate/Scale/sTretch/Polar stretch]:

Function Description: When editing custom properties of block reference in drawing, the action defines how dynamic block reference moving and changing. Actions should be                                              associated with parameters.

Relative Glossary:

Array : Array action could be associated with a linear parameter, polar parameter or XY parameter. When activating this action in specified dynamic block reference, the object                   selection set will be arrayed.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with Array action.
Select object : Select objects to be contained in this action.
Enter distance between rows or specify unit cell (---) : Specify distance between selected objects in Array action when selected XY parameters. Users could use cross cursor to specify distance. They could also specify unit cell by entering two points, each point is composed by two values separated by comma.
Enter the distance between columns (|||) : Specify distance between selected objects in Array action when selected linear parameters or polar parameters. They could use cross cursor to specify distance.
Specify action location : Specify action location in block editor.

Lookup : Lookup action could display “property query table” dialog box. Users could create lookup table for block reference.

Filp : When activating this action in block reference, the selected object set will flip around reflection line of flipping parameter. The Flip action is only associated with flipping                  parameter.

Specify selection set for action:
Select object to be mirrored around reflection line of flipping parameter.

Move : When activating this action in specified dynamic block reference, the object set will be moved. The Move action could be associated with point parameter, linear                               parameter or XY parameter.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with Move action.
Specify parameter point : If users have selected linear parameter or polar parameter, they could specify the start point or end point to be action base point. If users have selected XY parameter, they could specify which corner point to be associated with action. The selected object for action will move relative to this corner point.
Select object : Select object.
Specify action location : Specify action location.
Multiplier : When the BACTIONBARMODE system variable specified to 0 and this action activated, users could change associated parameter value by specified distance.
Offset : When the BACTIONBARMODE system variable specified to 0 and this action activated, users could increase or decrease value of selected parameter angle.
Xy(X) : When the XY parameter selected, users could specify the applied action distance to be X distance or Y distance or XY distance from parameter base point.

Rotate :When activating this action in dynamic block reference, the object selection set will be rotated. The Rotate action could only be associated with rotation parameter.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with Rotate action.
Select object : Specify selection set for action.
Specify action location : Specify action location.
Specify base type : Specify base type to be dependent or independent of associated parameter base point.

Dependent : Zoom or move selected object relative to associated parameter base point.
Independent : Zoom or move selected object relative to a certain base point (nothing to do with associated parameter base point). The certain base point is defined separately.

Scale :When activating this action in specified dynamic block reference, the object set will be zoomed relative to base point. The Scale action could only be associated with                       linear or polar or XY parameter.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with Scale action.
Select object : Select object.
Specify action location : Specify action location.
Base type : Specify base type to be dependent or independent of associated parameter base point.

Dependent : Zoom or move selected object relative to associated parameter base point.
Independent : Zoom or move selected object relative to a certain base point (nothing to do with associated parameter base point). The certain base point is defined separately.

XY : When the XY parameter selected, users could set custom scale properties.

X : Zoom selected object only along X axis direction.
Y : Zoom elected object only along Y axis direction.
XY : Zoom selected object along X axis and Y axis directions.

Stretch :When activating this action in specified dynamic block reference, the object set will be stretched or moved. The Stretch action could only be associated with point parameter or linear parameter or polar parameter or XY parameter.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with sTretch action.
Specify parameter point : If users have selected linear parameter or polar parameter, they could specify the start point or end point to be action base point. If users have selected XY parameter, they could specify which corner point to be associated with action. The selected object for action will move relative to this corner point.
Specify first corner of stretch frame : Specify frame for stretching boundary.
CPolygon : Specify crossing polygon frame for stretching boundary.
Select object  : Select object.
Specify action location : Specify action location.

Polar stretch :When activating this action in specified dynamic block reference, the object set will be stretched or moved. The Polar stretch action is only associated with polar parameter.

Select parameter : Select parameter to be associated with Polar action.
Specify parameter point : Specify the start point or end point to be action base point.
Specify first corner of stretch frame : Specify stretch frame.
Specify objects to rotate only : Specify objects to rotate only rather than stretch.
Specify action location : Specify action location.


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Article ID: 1986
Created: August 3, 2021
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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