BOX command

The BOX command is used to create 3d solid box.

Command Access:

Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box
Menu : Draw > Modeling > Box
Command : BOX

Command Prompts:

Specify first corner or [Center]:
Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:
Specify height or [2Point]:

Function Description:

The base of created cuboid is always parallel to XY plane of current UCS. Users could specify cuboids' height by inputting Z value; it could be positive or negative. Inputting a positive value, the box will be created along the positive direction of z axis; inputting a negative value, the box will be created along the negative direction. If the Z value of the other corner point is different from the first corner point, the command prompt of "specify height" will not display.

autocad cuboid draw

Relative Glossary:

Center : Create a cuboid by specified center.

Cube : Create a cuboid with equivalent length, width, and height.

autocad cuboid by specified center

Create a cuboid by specified length, width, and height. The cuboid length is corresponding to X axis, the width is corresponding to Y axis, and the height is corresponding to Z axis.

create cube

Create a cuboid with equivalent length, width, and height.

autocad create length

Create a cuboid by specified length, width, and height. The cuboid length is corresponding to X axis, the width is corresponding to Y axis, and the height is corresponding to Z axis.

autocad create 2point

2pointSpecify cuboid height by 2 points, the distance of 2 points determines cuboid height.


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Article ID: 2010
Created: August 5, 2021
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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