The BPARAMETER command is used to add a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition.

Command Access:


Command Prompts:

Enter parameter type [Alignment/Base/Point/Linear/Polar/Xy/Rotation/Flip/Visibility/looKup]:

Function Description:
This command could only be used in block editor. The parameter is used to define custom property for block reference. The added parameter must be associated with a certain action to form a dynamic block.

Relative Glossary:
Rotate block reference around a certain point to align it with other objects.

Specify base point : Specify base point, the block reference will rotate around this point to align with another object.

Name : Set "name" custom property of this parameter.

Specify alignment direction : Specify alignment angle of block reference.

Type : Specify alignment type, perpendicular, or tangent.

Specify a changeable base point for geometry graph in dynamic block reference.

Specify parameter location:
Specify a default base point location for block definition base. This is the location for base grip in block definition.

Point :
Define custom x and y properties of block reference.

Specify parameter location : Specify x and y parameter location in block definition. This is the location for base grip in the block reference.

Name : Specify name.

Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.

Chain : Determine whether the parameter is contained in other associated action selection set or not.

Yes : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will be activated.
No : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will not be activated.

Description : Extend description of custom property for "label".
Palette : Determine the "label" custom property displaying in "property" palette or not when specifying graph in block reference.

Specify distance between two key points in block definition.

Specify start point : Specify a key point for parameter in block definition.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Chain : Determine whether the parameter is contained in other associated action selection set or not.

Yes : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will be activated.
No : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will not be activated.

Description : Extend description of custom property for "label".
Base : Specify "base location" property for the parameter.

Start point : Edit the start point of parameter in block reference, the start point of parameter keeps still.
Midpoint : The middle point of parameter keeps still. The start point and endpoint of parameter move the same distance to middle point at the same time..

Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.
Value set:
Limit available value of parameter to specified value in set.

Edit the start point of parameter in block reference, the start point of parameter keeps still.
Specify available value list for block reference. Increment:
Specify parameter increment, maximum, and minimum value in block reference.

Specify label location:
Specify label location.
Enter number of grips:
Specify number of grips displaying in block reference.

0 : display no grip in block reference. Users could edit selected geometry graph in "property" palette or "property query table".
1 : grips display on the endpoint of parameter.
2 : grips only display on the start point and endpoint of parameter.

Specify distance and angle between two key points in block definition.

Start point : Specify a point for reference to place grip in block definition.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Chain : Determine whether the parameter is contained in other associated action selection set or not.

Yes : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will be activated.
No : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will not be activated.

Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.
Value set : Limit available value of parameter to specified value in set.

None : No available value.
List : Specify available value list for block reference.
Increment : Specify parameter increment, maximum, and minimum value in block reference.

Specify endpoint : Specify endpoint to determine distance and angle. The distance and angle are custom properties in “Property” palette.
Specify label location : Specify label location.
Enter number of grips [0/1/2] <2> : Specify number of grips displaying in block reference.

0 : display no grip in block reference. Users could edit selected geometry graph in “property” palette or “property query table”.
1 : grips display on the endpoint of parameter.
2 : grips only display on the start point and endpoint of parameter.

Define the x and y distance from base point in block definition.

Start point : Specify the maximum x distance of parameter.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Chain : Determine whether the parameter is contained in other associated action selection set or not.

Yes : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will be activated.
No : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will not be activated.

Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.
Value set : Limit available value of parameter to specified value in set.

None : No available value.
List : Specify available value list for block reference.
Increment : Specify parameter increment, maximum, and minimum value in block reference.

Specify endpoint : Specify the maximum y distance of parameter.
Enter number of grips [0/1/2/4] <1> : Specify number of grips displaying in block reference.

0 :display no grip in block reference. Users could edit selected geometry graph in “property” palette or “property query table”.
1 : grips display on the endpoint of y distance.
2 : grips display on two endpoints.
4 : grips display on all of four corner points.

Rotation: Define rotation angle of block reference.

Start point : Specify rotation point for selected geometry graph.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Chain : Determine whether the parameter is contained in other associated action selection set or not.

Yes : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will be activated.
No : if one parameter is associated with more than one action and one of those actions is edited; other associated actions will not be activated.

Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.
Value set : Limit available value of parameter to specified value in set.

None : No available value.
List : Specify available value list for block reference.
Increment : Specify parameter increment, maximum, and minimum value in block reference.

Specify radius of parameter : Specify distance from parameter base point to grips.
Specify default Rotation Angle : Specify grip position in block reference.
Base angle : Specify base angle value except 0 for parameter grip.
Specify label location : Specify label location.
Enter number of grips [0/1] <1> : Specify number of grips displaying in block reference.

0 :display no grip in block reference. Users could edit selected geometry graph in “property” palette or “property query table”.
1 : grip displays on the endpoint.

Flip : Mirror selected object or the whole block reference by the reflection line.

Base point of reflection line : Specify a reflection line for mirroring objects or the whole block reference.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.
Specify the endpoint projection lines : Specify the endpoint of reflection line.
Specify label location : Specify label location.
Enter number of grips [0/1] <1> : Specify number of grips displaying in block reference.

0 : display no grip in block reference. Users could edit selected geometry graph in “property” palette or “property query table”.
1 : grip displays on the endpoint.

Visibility : Define visible object or invisible object in block definition.

Specify parameter location : Specify grip location. The parameter could be located anywhere in block definition.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location. 
Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.

looKup : Define custom parameter that determined by lookup table.

Specify parameter location : Specify parameter location.
Name : Specify name.
Label : Specify a custom description label to define parameter location.
Description : Extend description of custom property for “label”.
Palette : Prompt to display property in Properties palette or not.



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Article ID: 2012
Created: August 5, 2021
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/bparameter-command-2012.html