CONVERT command

The CONVERT command is used to optimize 2D polyline and associated hatches in early versions.

Command Access:

Command: CONVERT

Command Prompts:

Enter type of objects to convert [Hatch(H)/Polyline(P)/All(A)] <All>:

Function Description:

When a drawing opened in a higher version, the hatch created in older version will not update automatically. If users changed the UCS after creating hatch, the information about rotated hatch might not be correctly updated. When using CONVERT command to update hatches, it is recommended that you use the Select option to check your result. In most cases, you do not need to update polylines by CONVERT command. By default, the PLINETYPE system variable will automatically update polyline when opening an older drawing. The polyline could be created by third-party in old format or contained in an older drawing that was inserted as a block and then exploded.

Relative Glossary:

Hatch : Covert all hatches in drawing.
Polyline : Convert all polylines in drawing.
All : Convert all hatches and polylines in drawing

Article ID: 2045
Created: August 9, 2021
Last Updated: August 9, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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