The HYPERLINK command is used to insert a hyperlink to an object or modify an existing hyperlink.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Insert > Data > Hyperlink
Menu : Insert > Hyperlink
Shortcut : select object including hyperlink and right-click, select "Hyperlink" and click "Edit Hyperlink" option

Command Prompts:

Select object:

Function Description:

Users could skip to associate files by hyperlinks.

autocad hyperlink command

After inserting a hyperlink, the hyperlink icon will display as cross cursor moving to associated object. Users could select the object with hyperlink and right-click to select "Hyperlink" option. The PICKFIRST system variable must be specified to 1 before opening the associated file.
Inputting "-hyperlink" under command prompt, it will display options:
Enter an option [Remove/Insert]

Article ID: 2151
Created: August 16, 2021
Last Updated: August 16, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/hyperlink-command-2151.html