LAYVPI command

The LAYVPI command is used to freeze specified layers in all layout viewports except the current viewport.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYVPI
Menu : Format > Layer Tools > Isolate layer to current viewport
Command : LAYVPI

Command Prompts:

Current settings: Layouts=ALL, Block nesting level=None Select objects on the layer(s) to be isolated or [Settings/Undo]:

Function Description:

This command could isolate the layer of selected object. Users could choose to isolate all layouts or the current only. This command could apply the "freeze" option in the layer properties manager automatically. Users could freeze the layer in all other viewports by selecting one object on it. Note: the LAYVPI command could be valid on condition to set the TILEMODE system variable to 0 and define more than two layout viewports.

Relative Glossary:

Select objects on the layer(s) to be isolated:
Select an object to isolate its layers.
Display the settings of viewport and block definition. During the process, the specified setting will not be changed.

Display layout options that used to isolate layers.

All layouts:
In all layouts, isolate all layers of specified objects except in current layout viewports.
Current layout:
In the current layout, isolate all layers of specified objects except in current layout viewports. During the process, the specified setting will not be changed.

Block selection:
Display settings of block definition, users could freeze layer of specified object.

Isolate the layer of specified objects. If the select object is nested in block, it will isolate the layer of block. If the select object is nested in external reference, it will freeze the layer of object.
Isolate the layer of selected object even if the selected object is nested in external reference or block.
Isolate the layer of specified objects. If selecting the block or external reference, it will isolate the layers that the block or external reference belongs to.

Article ID: 2194
Created: August 17, 2021
Last Updated: August 17, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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