LINE command.

The LINE command is used to create lines.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home > Draw > Line
Menu : Draw > Line
Command : LINE

Command Prompts:

Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]:
Specify next point or [Undo]:

Function Description:

User could use the LINE command to create a serial of straight lines and each straight line could be edited separately.

autocad command line

Relative Glossary:

After drawing a line, pressing ENTER, it will continue to draw a line from the endpoint of the latest line

autocad command line 2

After drawing arcs, pressing ENTER, it will draw lines from the arc endpoint and specify it as the start point of new straight line; this line is tangent to the arc.

autocad command line -arc

Take the start point of the first line as the endpoint of the last line to form a closed loop segment. After drawing two or more lines, users could also use the "Close" option to form a closed loop segment.

autocad command line close

Delete the recently drawn line segment. Repeatedly enter U to delete line segment by reverse sequence of drawing.

autocad command line undo


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Article ID: 2202
Created: August 17, 2021
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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