MIRROR command

The MIRROR command is used to create mirror copies of selected objects.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Home > Modify > Mirror
Menu : Modify > Mirror
Command : MIRROR

Command Prompts:

Select object:
Specify first point of mirror line:
Specify second point of mirror line:
Delete source objects? [Yes/No]:

Function Description:

Users could select a graph as half of an object and use the MIRROR command to create another half of it.

autocad mirror command

autocad mirror command 2

Note: by default, the mirrored text will not change its direction. Users could specify the MIRRTEXT system variable to 1 to change its direction. In 2D space, the specified two points form a straight line and the selected objects will be mirrored by this line. In 3D model space, the specified two points also form a straight line; the mirror plane is defined by a plane that goes through this straight line and is perpendicular to XY plane of current UCS.

autocad mirror command mirror text

Relative Glossary:

Delete source objects? [Yes/No] :
Yes: Place the mirrored objects in the drawing and delete the source objects.

autocad mirror command delete sources

No : Place the mirrored objects in the drawing and reserve the source objects.

autocad mirror command - place mirror object



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Article ID: 2228
Created: August 18, 2021
Last Updated: April 14, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/mirror-command-2228.html