The MLEADERCOLLECT command is used to arrange selected multileaders in line or column and display the result by a single leader. The selected multileaders should contain blocks.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Annotation > Leader > MLEADERCOLLECT
Menu : Modify > Object > Multileader > Collect

Command Prompts:

Specify collected multileader location or [Vertical/Horizontal/Wrap]:

Function Description:

After selecting Multileaders, users could specify its new position.

Relative Glossary:

Collected multileader location : The point that is used to specify multileader location is located on the top left corner of collected multileader.
Vertical : Place multileader set in a column or multiple columns.

autocad mleadercollect vertical

Horizontal : Place multileader set in a row or multi-row.
Wrap : Specify the width for wrapping multileader set.

Specify wrap width : Specify the width for wrapping

autocad mleadercollect command specify wrap width

Number:  Specify the max number of blocks in a row for multileader.

autocad mleadercollect command number

Article ID: 2233
Created: August 18, 2021
Last Updated: August 18, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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