NCOPY command

The NCOPY command is used to copy objects that contained in an external reference, block, or DGN reference image.

Command Access:

Command : NCOPY

Command Prompts:

Select nested objects to copy: Specify base point or [Displacement/Multiple] : Second point or :

Function Description:

Users could copy selected nested objects to current drawings without exploding or bounding external reference, block or DGN reference image.

Relative Glossary:

Users could specify distance and direction by coordinates.
The specified two points define a vertor; it indicates the position and direction that copied objects moving to.
If pressing ENTER under the prompt of "second point", the objects will be moved according to the coordinates of the basepoint. For example, if the basepoint is specified to (5,9), press ENTER under the prompt of "specify second point", the selected objects move 5 units along the X axis direction and 9 units along the Y axis direction.
Control whether to create several copies at the specified position.

Article ID: 2251
Created: August 19, 2021
Last Updated: August 19, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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