PREVIEW command

The PREVIEW command is used to preview drawings that need to be printed.

Command Access:

Ribbon : Export > Plot > Preview
Menu : Application menu > Print... > Print Preview
Menu : File > Plot Preview
Command : PREVIEW

Function Description:

The preview is based on current plot settings defined by "Page Setup Manager" or "Plot" settings. In preview, it will display the exact appearance of graph containing lineweight, fill pattern and other plot style options. The cross cursor will become a magnifier with a (+) to zoom in and a (-) to zoom out. Pressing the mouse and dragging the cross cursor to the top of screen will zoom in the graph preview; on the contrary, dragging it to the bottom of screen will zoom out it.
Plot the whole graph displayed in preview and then exit "plot preview".
Display translation cursor or hand shape cursor. It could be used to translate and preview graph. Pressing the mouse and dragging the cursor to any directions, graph could be moved with the cursor.
Display zoom cursor or magnifier cursor. It could be used to zoom in or zoom out the preview graph. Pressing the mouse and dragging the cross cursor to the top of screen, the graph preview will be zoomed in; on the contrary, dragging it to the bottom of screen, it will be zoomed out.
Zoom window
Zoom and display the specified window. The "Zoom window" is used to zoom and translate cursor.
Full screen zoom
Restore the initial whole view. The "Full screen zoom" option could be used together with zooming and translating cursor.
Turn off the "Preview" window

Article ID: 2291
Created: August 20, 2021
Last Updated: August 20, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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