SNAP command

The SNAP command is used to limit the cursor moving space.

Command Access:

Menu : Tools > Drafting Settings
Status bar : Object Snap
Command : SNAP

Command Prompts:

Specify snap spacing or [ON/OFF/Aspect/Style/Type] <10.0000>: Specify a point on desired side or [keep Both sides] :

Relative Glossary:

Snap spacing:
Activate Snap mode by setting specified value.
Turn on grid Snap mode by using current setting.
Turn off Snap mode, but save current settings.
Specify horizontal spacing and vertical spacing.
Specify snap grid style of standard or isometric.

Specify snap grid that is parallel to XY plane of current UCS. The X space and Y space could be unequal.

Snap space:
Specify snap space of all snap grids.
Specify the horizontal spacing and vertical spacing separately.

Specify the isometric snap grid at the original snap location of 30°and 150°. The horizontal spacing and vertical spacing of isometric snap should be equal. The straight line grid could not snap in isometric snap grid. The ISOPLANE system variables could determine the cross cursor types. They may be Left Isometric Plane (angle of 30°and 150°), Top Isometric Plane(angle of 90°and 150°) or Right Isometric Plane(angle of 30°and 90°).

autocad command snap

Specify snap type:
Polar Snap or Grid Snap. It could also be controlled by the SNAPTYPE system variable.

Specify the polar snap tracking distance. (It could also be controlled by the POLARANG system variable.)
Specify the snap mode to grid snap, then the cross cursor will snap objects along horizontal direction or vertical direction.


Article ID: 2356
Created: August 23, 2021
Last Updated: August 23, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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