STATUS command

The STATUS command is used to display drawing statistical information, modes and ranges.

Command Access:

Menu : Tools > Inquiry > Status
Command : STATUS

Command Prompts:

Press ENTER to continue:

Function Description:

All coordinates and spaces are displayed with specified format defined by UNITS system variable.
The STATUS command will report numbers of objects in current drawing, contains graphic objects (such as arcs and polylines), non-graphical objects (such as layers and linetypes) and block definitions.
Except for those whole statistical information and settings, it will list free physical memories; free temp disk and free swap file space. The STATUS command could also report value of dimension system variable and introduction under the DIM command prompt.
The STATUS command will display the following information:
Model space limits:
Display grid limits defined by the LIMITS command. The first line displays XY coordinates of left bottom corner and it is saved in the LIMMIN system variable. The second line displays the XY coordinates of right top corner and it is saved in the LIMMAX system variable. The OFF annotation on the right of Y coordinate means the checking boundary has set to 0.
Model space uses:
Display the drawing range (contain all objects in the database) and objects could exceed the grid limit. The first line displays the XY coordinates of left bottom corner and the second line displays the XY coordinates of right top corner. The OVER annotation on the right of Y coordinate means drawings has exceeded the grid boundary.
Display shows:
Display drawing of visible part in the current viewport. The first line displays the XY coordinates of left bottom corner and the second line displays the XY coordinates of right top corner.
Insertion base:
Save the insertion base set by the BASE command and show it by UCS in current space. (INSBASE system variable)
Snap resolution:
Set the snap spacing of current viewport. (SNAPUNIT system variable)
Grid spacing:
Set the grid spacing of current viewport. (GRIDUNIT system variable)
Current space:
Display the current active space as the mode space or paper space.
Current layout:
Display name of mode or current layout.
Current layer:
Set current layer. (CLAYER system variable)
Current color:
Set a color for new object. (CECOLOR system variable)
Current linetype:
Set a linetype for new object. (CELTYPE system variable)
Current material:
Set the material for new object. (CMATERIAL system variable)
Current lingweight:
Set the lineweight for new object. (CELWEIGHT system variable)
Current elevation:
Save the current elevation for new object relative to current UCS. (ELEVATION system variable)
Set a 3D thickness for current object. (THICKNESS system variable)
Fill, Grid, Orhto, Qtext, Snap,Table Display the status of those options, on or off.
Object Snap Modes:
List all object snap options specified by the OSNAP command.
Free dwg disk(C:):
List the amount of available disk for specified temporary files on driver.
Free temp disk(C:):
List the amount of available disk for temporary files on driver.
Free physical memory:
List the amount of available disk for installation in system.
Free swap file space:
List the amount of available space for swapping file.

Article ID: 2367
Created: August 23, 2021
Last Updated: August 23, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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