TIME command

The TIME command is used to display statistical information about date and time of current drawing.

Command Access:

Command : TIME

Menu : Tool > Inquiry> Time

Command Prompts:

Enter option [Display/ON/OFF/Reset]:

Function Description:

It displays the time information in the popping window.

Relative Glossary:

Current time:
Display the current date and time in 24-hour time system accurately to millisecond.
Display the date and time of current drawing when created.
Last updated:
Display the last updated date and time of current drawing. The creating time is the first time of "Last updated". It will be modified after saving each time.
Total editing time:
Display the total time used for editing the current drawing. This timer is updated by application; users could not stop or reset it. The total editing time does not include printing time. If exiting without saving the drawing, the total editing time will not aggregate.
Elapsed timer (On):
The elapsed timer runs when executing programs. It could be turned on or turned off or reset.
Next automatic save in:
Specify the date and time for next saving automatically. Users could set the time interval by the OPTIONS and SAVETIME system variables.
Display the updated time repeatedly.
Turn on the closed elapsed timer.
Turn off the elapsed timer.
Reset the elapsed timer to be 0 day 00:00:00.000.

Article ID: 2394
Created: August 24, 2021
Last Updated: August 24, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/time-command-2394.html