TORIENT command

The TORIENT command is used to aligns text, mtext and block attribute objects to new orientation.
Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects so that they end up being as close as possible to horizontal or right-read (similar to the behavior of dimension text). Objects are rotated about their middle point in 180-degree increments. For example, if the text is upside-down, it becomes right-side up after a TORIENT operation. Similarly, left-read text becomes right-read text. The overall object location is not changed. As an option, you can specify a new absolute orientation angle for all selected text objects.

Command Access : 

Command Entry : TORIENT

Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Rotate Text

Select objects: Use an object selection method

New absolute rotation <0>:Enter a new absolute orientation angle for all selected text

Usage Example:

Text before rotation:

torient command - before

Text after rotation - specified angle of 0 degrees:

torient command - after

Article ID: 2401
Created: August 24, 2021
Last Updated: August 24, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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