-WBLOCK command

The "-WBLOCK" command is used to save selected objects to specified drawing file or convert selected block to specified drawing file.
If the FILEDIA system variable has specified to 1, inputting "-wblock" under command prompt, it displays the "Create Drawing File" dialog box, from which users could specify name of new drawing file.
If the FILEDIA system variable has specified to 0, inputting "-wblock" under command prompt, it does not display the "Create Drawing File" dialog box.
The file will be saved as the format which defined by the "Save as" option of "Open and Save" label in "Options" dialog box. The selected objects will be removed from current drawing after creating a file. Users could use the OOPS command to restore all selected objects. In the new drawing, the WCS is parallel to the UCS.

Command Prompts:

Enter name of output file:
Enter name of existing block or [block=output file (=)/whole drawing (*)] :

Relative Glossary:

Existing block:
Write the block to a file. Users should not input a name of an external reference or one of its dependent blocks.
The existing block should be the same as the output file.
Write the whole drawing into a new output file. The objects in model space will be written into a model space and the objects in paper space will be written into a paper space.

Article ID: 2438
Created: August 25, 2021
Last Updated: August 25, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/wblock-command-2438.html