Enter 2D Coordinates

Enter absolute coordinate

Absolute coordinates are based on the UCS origin (0,0), which is the intersection of the X and Y axis. If you know the precise X and Y values of the point, you can use absolute coordinates.

Enter absolute coordinate

Enter relative coordinate

The last point entered is used as a base for Relative coordinates and you can use them, if you know the location of a point in relation to the previous point.

Enter relative coordinate

Enter Polar Coordinates

When creating objects, you can use absolute or relative polar coordinates (distance and angle) . The distance and the angle separated by an angle bracket (<) when you use polar coordinates to specify a point.

Absolute polar coordinates are based on the origin.

Enter Polar Coordinates

Relative coordinates are based on the last point entered. If you know the location of a point in relation to the previous point, you can use relative coordinates.

 relative coordinates.


Article ID: 2491
Created: November 9, 2021
Last Updated: November 9, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/enter-2d-coordinates-2491.html