Disassociate Compound Objects

Compound objects like polylines (PLINE), dimensions (DIMSTYLE), hatches (HATCH ) or block references (BLOCK) can be converted into individual elements.


Disassociate Compound Objects


Explode Dimensions and Hatches

When a dimension or a hatch is exploded (XPLODE), the dimension or hatch object will replaced by individual objects like lines (LINE), text (TEXT), points (POINT)or 2D solids and all associativity will be lost.

Explode Polylines

When a polyline is exploded, the polyline object will replaced by lines.

Explode Block References

When a block with attributes is exploded, only the attribute definitions will be retained, the attribute values will be lost. Colors and linetypes of objects in exploded block references can change.

Explode External References

External references (XREF), which are drawing files linked (or attached) to another drawing , cannot be exploded.

Article ID: 2550
Created: November 9, 2021
Last Updated: November 9, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/disassociate-compound-objects-2550.html