Statistics Summation

This function sums up selected text or mtext.

The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also make statistics Summation and the system will summate them by different prefixes.

Menu : Text>Statistics Summation

Command Entry : KLL01

Start the command and the command line prompts as follows:

Select objects: Select Text or Mtext numerical value

Select Text or Mtext numerical value

In the Statistics dialog box, you can see the cumulative sum from the selected text numerical values. You can also re-select, replace, copy text numerical value again plus fill-in (show) the cumulative sum in any point of your current drawing.

Statistics dialog box

Article ID: 2626
Created: November 10, 2021
Last Updated: November 10, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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