Text Match

TextMatch is a specific tool to match both text and Mtext attributes in the current drawing, avoiding to select and edit text attributes one by one. You can access it from:

Menu: Text>Text Match

Command Entry: Textmatch

After starting the command, a message will be displayed in the command line > Select the sample text, Settings (S)

If we enter the keyword S (settings) the following Text Match Settings- window will be displayed. From this settings -window, we can see the text matching options such as:

Text Match Settings- window

Text content, Color, Height, Angle, Align, Layer, Width factor and Style. And you can also select more than one option according to your needs.

Content: Match only text or Mtext content from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Text content, Color, Height, Angle, Align, Layer, Width factor and Style

Color: Match only color from the sample text or Mtext to the destination object(s).

Match only color from the sample text or Mtext to the destination object

Height: Match only text or Mtext height from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Match only text or Mtext height from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Angle: Match only text or Mtext angle from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Match only text or Mtext angle from the sample text to the destination object

Align: Match only Mtext alignment attribute from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Match only Mtext alignment attribute from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Layer: Match only the text or Mtext layer to which the sample text belongs to the destination object(s).

Match only the text or Mtext layer to which the sample text belongs to the destination object

Width factor: Match only the text width factor text frame from the sample text to the destination object(s).

Match only the text width factor text frame from the sample text to the destination object

Style: Match only text or Mtext style from the sample text to the destination objects(s).

Match only text or Mtext style from the sample text to the destination objects



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Article ID: 2629
Created: November 11, 2021
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://www.gstarcad.com.my/knowledge/article/text-match-2629.html