Rotate Cursors

The cursor can rotate anti-clockwise by 0 degree or 45 degree.

Menu : Express>GstarCAD Tools>Rotate Cursor>0 or 45

Command Entry : RTCUR0/RTCUR45

0 degree/45 degree

Side Line

Menu : Express>GstarCAD Tools>Rotate Cursor>Side Line

Command Entry : RTCUR1

Operation steps:

1. Start the command.

2. Select the reference segment and system will align the X axis of the cursor to the selected segment.

Real Time Rotate

Menu : Express>GstarCAD Tools>Rotate Cursor>Real Time Rotate

Command Entry : RTCUR

Operation steps:

  1. After executing the command, the command line prompts as below.

cursor rotate command line

2. You can use the AWSD four keys to control the cursor direction until you are satisfied and press enter.


Article ID: 2727
Created: December 7, 2021
Last Updated: December 7, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

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